Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Re-Visiting My Vision: Joshua Rozario

Let me this time start with a few questions like these:
• What if? Every youth in this nation was employed
• What if? Every youth in this nation was transformed
• What if? Every employee was a peak performer at work?
• What if? Every business school or Engineering College were like the IIM’s and IIT or like the Harvard’s, Stanford’s & MIT’s
• What if? I could play my role to make the above possible
• What would it take me to achieve the above?

A Man set on fire to make a difference in the world around; this could only be possible if “I” was different.

I CANNOT make a difference in the lives of people around me unless I am different, unless I am living a life of fulfilment, unless I am committed to personal transformation.

What would it take me to use Multi Level marketing for Transformation?
What would it be that every person who experiences transformation at a certain level goes on to pass on the same to someone else who also needs it, and then keep passing it on so on and so forth.

What would it be that every employed youth takes on him or her the onus and responsibility to make others employable and then keep it on so on and so forth.

I choose to Transform, We choose to Transform- A Nation Transformed!

One of my biggest quest in life was to find meaning, purpose and significance, this whole process took me through a dark journey but through it all as I came out through that long dark tunnel into the light, the joy was unspeakable. Life had a whole new purpose & meaning. My perspectives changed, my life changed. This put me to think: How many people that I see every day going through Life with no purpose and meaning, how many youths battling with the same questions that I battled with. Now when I turn back and see this whole journey that I went though, I thank God for it. Not to sound too spiritual but I knew God took me through that with a purpose so that when I am out of this I can reach out to many like me to impact and make a difference in their lives, what gives me the credibility to do that? I know what it feels because I’ve been through the same and not just been but also came out through it transformed.

As Rick Warren put its:

I was SHAPEd for a Purpose:
• S: Spiritual Gifts- Passion for People
• H: Heart- to Transform
• A: Abilities – Teach
• P: Personality- to match my Vision
• E: Experiences- to Share

My success lies in making other people successful, my transformation lies in transforming others.

Helping unleash the potential of other helps me unleash mine.

My Dream is to see how I can help others achieve their dreams, because if I help other people achieve what they want they will help me achieve what I want.

One Life : Live it to the fullest

My Values:
• Integrity
• Serve with Excellence
• Kaizen

I could go on and on but I would like to make a brief pause here before I move to my next version……

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